- All gondolas in Venice by law, must be painted black unless they belong to a high ranking official.
- A man may be arrested for wearing a skirt.
- It is illegal to practice the profession of charlatanry.
- Pillows can be considered passive weapons and you can be arrested if you walk around with one.
- It's illegal to run out of petrol inthe highway.
- In Liverpool law allows shop assintants to do topless, but only in shops where tropical fishes are sold.
- It's forbidden to hung your bed to a window
- It's illegal to be drunken while you own a cow.
- In Hereford its allowed to shoot a welsh with an arc everyday but only Sundays on the cathedral square.
- A pregnant woman can urinate wherever she wants even in the hat on a policemen
- A woman can bite a men's nose only when he has kissed her without her permission.
- You can't castrate neither your dog nor your cat , but you are allowed to castrate any other type of animals (including human bings).
- Alcoholic drinks with more than 4.75º are forbidden in election time.
- It's illegal to take off a dressing in public.
- In Alberta, if have just been taken out of prison you are allowed to ask for a loaded gun and a horse to run out of the city.
- It's forbidden to try to learn witchcraft.
- Gum selling is forbidden.
- Oral sex it's forbidden if it's not practised as an entertainment.